-I’m releasing a new workout TOMORROW to add to the mix! So stay tuned and check for it in your email.
-If you know someone who didn’t receive details and would like to, they MUST SIGN UP FOR MY EMAIL LIST via my . You’ll get an email confirmation when you sign up so if you don’t see it, please check your spam. It’s not too late to jump in!
-Make sure you send me your weight, pants size and “before” photo to by today to secure your enrollment in the challenge and to be up for winning some Figo prizes! Please do not send via text or Facebook.
-Don’t forget to print your January calendar from the “challenge details” and write in your workouts as you complete them.
-I’ve released just one workout thus far – the 20 minute boxing workout. Save the Youtube link to your bookmarks so you can easily access it!
-I will also post the workouts onto my Figo Facebook page for easy access!
-Thanks for being flexible through the challenge! I’m putting this on for free because I love helping people. Please bare with me as I do my best to technology to blast out info to you guys in a timely fashion.
Don’t forget to use the hashtags #figofitfourweeks #figofit — you could be up for a prize if you use it the most!
-I’m so happy to have you all on board!! Let’s get FigoFit!
-Any other questions!? Email me or post to the Figo Facebook page.
Hi Chelsey, I am still doing Isagenix, starting year 3. I still cleanse once a week and do the shakes. My caloric intake averages 1000 cal/day but I am at a plateau and can’t seem to get more weight off. Problem is exercise. I had an MRI of my right knee a few weeks ago because I was having pain that was causing me to cry going down steps. (I walked on a grade 3 torn meniscus in 2014 for six months, so I can tolerate a high level of pain). They injected me with Euflexxa 3x with little relief. MRI showed a “chip in my lower femur and a possible extension of the old tear or a new torn meniscus. Have appt. tomorrow to discuss arthroscopy, but I am hoping to avoid it. I also have little cartilage left on both knees – TKR on the horizon as far out as I can stand it. (Chip might be from a fall I took on concrete steps in Hawaii.)
I will try the exercises that I can lay on the floor, but probably won’t do anything that I am on my knees or using them if it causes pain.
BTW, you looked great on Fox and Friends. I know you could have blown everybody away, but the intent I guess was to show easier exercises to build up gradually. Congratulations for being asked to be on the show. Glad it was Fox and not MSNBC
Above comment left out a few lines. I was saying that I have problems with my knee again. Fell on concrete steps in Hawaii in Oct. and have had acute pain since. MRI revealed a “chip” out of my lower femur and possible new torn meniscus (Already had grade III repaired 18 months ago.) Had 3 injections of Euflexxa with minimal relief. I see my orthopod tomorrow to discuss arthroscopy – I don’t want it and am trying to hold off. Little cartilage left on both knees. I will try to do the exercises that don’t cause further pain to my knee. I am not going to send pictures because if I can’t do many of the exercises, my goal is just to firm up what I can do, which I don’t anticipate appreciable change. You see my pictures on Facebook, so you know my weight has plateaued and is still 175. It probably would be much higher though without the Isagenix.